Practice to conjugate German verbs

This is the last thing ...

Conjugation Scheme ({{names_of_times[current_verb.time]}})
{{personal_pronouns[i]}} -{{regular_verb_endings[ending][current_verb.time][i]}}

Instructions - What to do?

Choose tense to exercise!
  • {{names_of_times[time]}}
Take a look at the infinitive and its requested tense.
  • click the button with the correct verbform
  • go to 'next verb'
  • (for translation click on 'show translation')

What can you learn with this exercise?

You want to conjugate German verbs easily.
  • you learn to inflect German verbs
  • you know the personal pronouns and their corresponding verb endings
  • you use the correct verb form with ease
  • you develop your ability to use the correct verb forms fast and spontaneously
  • you learn (as an aside) the 50 most important verbs in German

Deutsch-Unterricht online

  • Dominik H. (Deutsch)

  • Probestunde 15 Euro
    • Konversation
    • Deutsch Niveau A1 und B2
    • Deutsch für Studium und Beruf