Practice your listen skills in German

This is the last thing ...

Instructions - What to do?

Click on the Play-Button to start (on the left).
  • listen to the word
  • click the correct button
  • go to 'next word'
  • (for translation click on 'show translation')
  • turn on speakers ;-)

What can you learn with this exercise?

You want to better understand Native Speakers?
Listen to spoken German to improve your listening comprehension skills. This excercise betters your ability to convert the sounds of the German language into words, phrases, and sentences.
This exercise helps:
  • to train your listening comprehension with native speakers
  • to develop the ability to convert the sounds into words
  • to learn the 700 most important words in German

Deutsch-Unterricht online

  • Dominik H. (Deutsch)

  • Probestunde 15 Euro
    • Konversation
    • Deutsch Niveau A1 und B2
    • Deutsch für Studium und Beruf